fb_bullypedia_bannerBullyPedia Logo- 2010

This was our first logo created in 2010. It sports a red “B” & “P” with our motto at the bottom  which reads “Making Bully History One Pedigree At A Time” Our “og” banner can be seen at just about any American Bully shows &  American Bully websites. Feel free to use our logo, all we ask is that you leave the colors and size original.




official_bp_seal_c1000_red BullyPedia Certified Pedigree Logo -2013

Our 2nd iteration of the original “BP” logo which we launched at the ABKC Nationals 2013. We decided to change it up to formalize our position in the American Bully community. The BP  seal can be seen in our Certificate Of Pedigree document. This our current logo, sporting a “B” in the middle surrounded by our slogan at the bottom which reads “Making Bully History One Pedigree At A Time”